Posted On: 30-Oct-2019 06:04:33 Posted In: Gaming / Rob lox
Posted By: unikittyloverstar


One day me and my friends went camping with a bunch of other people.We got a guide his name is Spirit he was nice but he would go alot.So we had to go to the bathroom he showed us were it is then  the lightes flickerd then when it went back on we were all dead.Then the lights got on again and we were all ok.It was wierd then we went to get wood then i saw a guy named jake slender.he was floating then I looked behind me then I looked back to him and he was gone.I was scared then i went in my tent and saw blood on the  floor.Then we woke up and only half of us were alive.Then it became night again. Then it was raining acid Spirit told us to go  to a cave then we got scared then a creture came and it tried to kill us but we found a secret entrence then we saw snakes and etc.Then we saw a guy that said I will kill you we said no you can't he said he said i am jake ramores i can kill anyone.Then I said Camping then I DIED. 


The scary buleberry


Nov 20, 2019

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