Posted On: 07-Sep-2023 04:12:00 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: sofi.garciaa

Vist to guadalajra

Guadalajara is a city in Mexico my mom and her family are all from Guadalajara. My first visit to Guadalajara was when I was 4 years old. I go to Guadalajara with my mom and grandma every single year except when covid was strong. Guadalajara has always been a very pretty and huge place.Talaquepace is a pueblo next to our house it has been named a pueblo majico because of how beautiful it is. My favorite part of visiting Guadalajara is seeing family and going to guachinago where my grandma is from. Guachinago is a very old-style pueblo It has very beautiful rivers and it’s just fun to be with family. I would always recommend going to visit Guadalajara and Guachingo I don’t believe everyone will like it if you are not used to nature and no signal but I believe it’s very beautiful and enjoyable


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