Posted On: 07-Sep-2023 04:13:53 Posted In: Pets / Animals
Posted By: SSavvvvvannah

Other Pets

I have a cat, but just because I have a cat doesn't mean I am a cat person. I'm both a cat and a dog person. I grew with mainly cats though, so I guess I'm more of a cat person. Although I really do want a dog to go along with my cat, they're other animals that I want as a pet. I mean, I seen people on the internet with the most random/exotics pets. I've seen someone with a snake, a cow, a fox, a monkey, & a wolf! Never in my life have I've seen someone have a wolf as a pet in someone's home acting like any random stay at home pet. I would be willing to adopt an animal like that. I feel like I would take care of it well. Also, because I would want to brag about it. I don't know, would you own an exotic animal? 689 


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