Posted On: 11-Sep-2023 07:59:23 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: Isabella Lopez

Mexico in November

My last trip to Mexico was last year in November for my cousin's Quinceanera. It was very pretty to see that she wanted to incorporate family members that we don't see every day due to them being in Mexico and us being in the states. I met a lot of new family members and later learned that I get jet lagged easily. In the time I was in Mexico my first day I didn't really sleep after we landed and when I got to the hotel room the second day, I ended up sleeping a total of 16 hours. I recommend seeing the beautiful places located in Mexico because they are really worth it and if you end up sleeping as much as I did you will know it was extremely peaceful waking up to the sunsetting. 


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