Posted On: 13-Sep-2023 08:10:57 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: Allison F. Gonzalez

The 4 Most Important Things In A Healthy Relationship

The 4 Most Important Things In A Healthy Relationship

There are a lot of factors that go into building a good relationship. If you are going to have a a nice healthy relationship, you have to learn to communicate, you can't just leave when things get complicated. You have to communicate how you feel, your concerns and tell your partner how you feel. If in your relationship theres a tension of never communicating your feelings or things that bother you, that relationship will implode and it will never go anywhere. Second thing, LOYALTY. Loyalty isn't just not cheating (but it still includes that, not cheating is VERY important, if you cheat theres a 99.9% chance that the relationship will get complicated and/or you will break up) but it is also having your partners back always, not talking bad about them when they're not around and defending them when someone else is, it means being there always in good and bad not just in good. Third, trust. Trust is essential in a relationship, in order to be comfortable with each other you have to have trust. In some couples one or both parties have trust issues and this creates tension because one person could be trying their best to be there for their partner but their partner simply can't trust. If you are going to go into a relationship, you have to understand that you have to trust your partner, otherwise it wont work because you need to feel like you can share anything with your partner with full trust.  And last but not least, respect. In a relationship you have to have respect for each other, you simply can't treat your partner like trash, you have to treat them respect because at some point the disrespectfulness will get out of control and you will end up hurting each other. SO, you need to be kind and respectful to each other. These are the essential things for a healthy relationship and of courseee, don't be a toxica/o.


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