Posted On: 13-Sep-2023 10:56:30 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: jaylimme

Places I would like to visit

If I could visit any country in the world, it would be the Philippines only because the beaches and the scenery are beautiful. There is a lots of tourist destinations you can visit along with visiting natural wonders. Not only that but, the weather is perfect for going to beaches or other places like water parks. The food is great as well, there are tons of native dishes that all so enticing. Another country that i would also want to visit is Greece. they have multiple ancient cities you can tour. They have islands which you can visit and go to their beaches, there are 12 in total. The beaches there are some of the most gorgeous beaches in the world. There is one I like would go solely because the sand at the beach is pink, it is located at the island of Crete. One day i will be able to go to these countries and see them but, hopefully i will see them soon.  :)

here are some videos of these countries:


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