Posted On: 13-Sep-2023 11:46:33 Posted In: Other / :/
Posted By: bug-a-boo

Fun Day

Today was May 10, 2023, and my friends and I met up in the morning to we can plan on doing something today since we were free and just wanted to hang out. We all went to my house to ask my parents if I was allowed to go with them and they allowed me to go. We stayed for a little bit so we can plan what we could do but eventually left because we got bored. After walking for a couple of minutes until we saw a poster saying “Hide and seek in the school library tonight, after dark.” We were all talking about how we can just go to that because it's better THEN doing nothing at home. While we were waiting we decided to get something to eat so we went to a burger place. I ordered a plain cheeseburger while my friends all got chili fries. We eventually left for the school library to play hide and seek. Once we arrived we were all nervous because we didn't know anyone there and many of the people participating looked intimidating. After playing we all were out of breath because we ran so much. We all had fun though at the end of the day. I guess the day wasn't so boring.


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