Posted On: 14-Sep-2023 03:46:02 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: vivvilla8259

The Red Room

Once there was a young boy. He had a happy life we was about fifteen years old when he died. What happened you might ask well let me tell you. He had a normal day at school and he came home to do his homework. Lately, he has been having this nightmare. It has been so bad that he gets the nightmare everyday. In the nightmare he is in this red room, and then this fat pale lady with long black greasy hair would come out of nowhere. So his friends had to do something for a project and search their family tree. They went to the hospital and asked where they keep their patient records, it was in the red room. The young boy was scared he had to stay outside of the door and stay out of sight. Well he did so but there were two guys coming and he started to run and went to the exit. He started walking to another tower in the hospital. But there were more guys there. And he walked past them like he was invisible but the guys caught him but he kept running and running until he went into the other tower. He locked the doors and the guys sounded the alarm so everything was RED. So he was scared for his life and the hallways seemed endless. But then he looked up and the fat pale lady with long greasy hair showed up and there was multiple of her and they trapped him. She gave him a hug and then she swallowed him whole.


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