Posted On: 15-Sep-2023 07:04:54 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: Allison F. Gonzalez

Life of being an Older Sister

Being an older sister is honestly really hard. It's almost like raising kids before actually having them, you know? I have 3 younger brothers and they all are a bunch of chaos I was an only daughter for 6 years until I had the amazing idea of asking for a brother. I was bored and I really really wanted some company. I thought that a bestie would pop out of my moms belly and instantly play dolls with me, but when he came out all he did was cry, eat and sleep. I was disappointed, but I still loved him. Byu the time he wanted to play, I didnt want to play anymore, I grew and I didnt play with little kids stuff anymore. I was doing pre-teen stuff and well my brothers were doing kids stuff like playing cars and making a mess. In a way, I'm like their second mom, I help my mom feed them and clean when I can and sometimes I even babysit them. Now that two of them are older they're easy to take care of because they take care of themselves. THey just sit and watch tv and all that i really have to do is make sure they eat and don't make a mess. But on the other hand my two year old brother, I dpo have tp watch him a bit more so it's a little harder but it's slowly getting easier to do. I enjoy being an older sister. Because one day we will grow and be besties but at the moment they are going through their little kid snitch phase so it's a little hard to get along but one day we will get there, bevause I love them and I hope really really deep down they do too.


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