Posted On: 15-Sep-2023 07:19:33 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: Anonymous


Family should be at least top 5 for everyone. I know that family is #1 for me. My family is everything to me and i will protect them no matter what. I have a special bond with all of them and my love for them will never change. If I ever lose one of them a part of my heart will break because I can't live without them. Family though is not just the one our born with (blood), family can be who every you choose it to be. Our closest and dearest friends can be our family. The bonds we make with out friends is similar ones you've made with your family. Even thought they might have only known you for a few years or months, you can still create a special bond that will mean everything to you just like you family.


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