Posted On: 16-Sep-2023 02:12:07 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: HunnyBunch

High School So Far

My First Day of High School

This year was my first day of high school as a freshman. As you may think coming to a new school with totally different and new people is pretty scary, but most of all uncomfortable and weird. Im not saying that my first day was the worst ever but it was just so much running all over the place. Ive never experience switching from class to class in such a rush, especially because all of my classes aren’t on the same floor, Anyway, I’ve also never had a lock and welll…. surprise surprise, I wasn’t able to open it. As I am writing this it has been about a month and I just learned how to open it. The classes I’m taking aren’t that bad mainly because I have my friends in every single class, that is except or 7th period ?. I’ve made new people and also recognized a few familiar faces ?. Kinda weird and awkward but it is what it is. At this moment I’m doing quite well in all my classes and feel confident, but let’s not jinx that. I’m excited for this year and for the years to come because so far everything is so interesting and I’m enjoying all the activities. I also really like my teachers, they’re really fun, funny, understanding , and just like us students. I also just recently experienced Big Sister Little Sister and I am pretty happy with who my Big sister is. ??

Thats all for now though, I can update whenever something interesting or exciting happens. Thanks for reading bunchies ( my user name is HoneyBunch so bunchies is so cuttie patootie to call people ) ?


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