Posted On: 18-Sep-2023 02:46:24 Posted In: Pets / Cats
Posted By: SSavvvvvannah


I know that in my last article I said I would like an exotic pet, but now I am starting to admire having my cat. Cats are honestly really cool if you think about it. Cats are natural hunters, and they like to hunt pests and rodents that live around your yard. They even have night vision to help hunt at night. Cats are also usually independent, so they aren't much of a burden. They groom themselves, (even though you have to bathe them) they do a pretty good job on hygiene. They won't really bother you unless they want something like food or water. Cats also feel like us. They may be independent, but they still want to feel loved. They aren't totally cold-hearted. Even though I would want more interesting pets, I do love having a cat. 


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