Posted On: 18-Sep-2023 09:39:25 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: Yeseniah Bolanos

Violette Flores and Elisa Compose

Violette Rose Flores is named after flowers, i dont know why she is named by many flowers but she its very cool. Violette has been doing volleyball ever sense she was in third grade. Which means she is literaly so good at her sport. She is a freshmen on varsity and the varsity team is very good. Then not only did she just make varsity but she is also a starter so thats very cool. Violette is Filipino and that is very cool because its cool to have asian friends. Violette also thinks she to cool to talk to me because she is on varsity but im actually her biggest fan, im always cheering her on actually. I like Violette. 

Elisa Campos is mexican. She is my twin because i am also mexican but i look white. Elisa wont tell me her middle name but i really want to know her middle name because middle names are cool. Me and Elisa LOVE food, we have a PASSION for food, we ADORE food, we would do anything for some good food. Which also means that we are going to Benihanas together because she has never gone before. Elisa does not like going to volleyball or football games WHICH IS SO BAD because i love going but she doesnt so its not the same. Elisa has a vision that she will get shot but will go to cafeteria to get all the food first. She is weird and funny but she is very cool, period.