Posted On: 19-Sep-2023 07:03:54 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: vivvilla8259

La Llarona

There was once a lady who married a man and had two children. They were a happy family until she found out that the husband had been going home late. This had been going for weeks, she wanted to find out what he was doing so late and followed him. All this time she had thought he was at work turns out he had been cheating on her this whole time. So she got mad and went home and waited for the husband to get home. Once he got home she killed him by stabbing him. The next day she had went to the lady that the husband was cheating on her with and she snuck in and stabbed her to death. When she got home she got her kids and drowned then in the river in front of her house. She was filled with regret to the point to where she had to hang herself in her own home and commit suicide. She now haunts New Mexico and searches for her children if you find her she will see if you are her child if you are not she will drown you.


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