Posted On: 20-Sep-2023 03:41:57 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: gabbs.24

Friends (the show)

The show I'm watching right now is called Friends. My parents or aunt would always have this show on the Tv so I already had an idea of what it was about before I started watching it. I'm not sure when it first aired but I do know it's kind of an old show. Just like the name, the show is about six friends living in New York. There's Monica and Ross who are siblings. Rachel is Monica's best friend from high school. Chandler is Ross's roomate from college. Joey was Chandler's roomate in the current apartment they live in. Phoebe used to Monica's roomate. Phoebe is my favorite character because she's unproblematic and very care free. Ross and Rachel had a whole thing going about whether or not it was okay for Ross to "cheat" on Rachel with a girl from the copy place. But Ross claims that they were on a break, and I personally agree with him. Either way, Ross and Rachel end up together at the end of the show. This is like my third time rewatching the show. I'm on the episode where Monica and Chandler are trying to take engagement photos for Monica's parents to print in the local paper but Chandler looks weird. Anyways I really like this show and I'll probably re watch it even more times in the future.


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