Posted On: 27-Sep-2023 03:26:56 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: Storr26

Best Friends Pt. 3

In the past two articles, I talked about how I met my two best friends. In this article I'm going to talk about how we became a trio! We were all friends with each other but never identified as a trio. I remember we all got invited to a quince. Mel and I show up early but Eva isn't there yet. We decide to make a group chat and text her and decide to call it "Goofy Goobers". We didn't think much of it because we were just trying to be funny, but, it ended up creating our trio the Goofy Goobers. We had a lot of fun that night and ended up making many many memories! Long Live the Goofy Goobers!!!



They seem like very nice girls, I love your article.

Oct 06, 2023


Awww, I love this article!

Oct 06, 2023

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