Posted On: 29-Sep-2023 05:34:00 Posted In: Paranormal / Fiction / The school isn’t tho/ Register please ū-u
Posted By: bug-a-boo

The Vampire

One day I was outside on Halloween night and it was raining. I got lost and tried to find cover.  I found an old looking mansion. I thought that no one lived there because it looked really old. I walked in and it was super dark. On the left I found a switch and it was the light switch so I turned it on and once I turned it on I found tons of bats. I opened the door and all of them flew out. I continued to walk inside until I found a house phone so I could call my parents. I found myself in the kitchen and I found some bread and ham so I decided to make a sandwich. When I finished eating I saw something walk by. I didn't really care because it could be my mind playing tricks on me. But when  I walked out I saw it again. Now that time I was scared. I ran as fast as I could and found myself in a bed room, I hid myself under the bed and I saw feet. I tried not to scream until he heard me. He looked under the bed and grabbed me. His teeth were sharp and Its skin was white, almost translucent. Blood dripped from the corner of its mouth. I hit him in the face and ran as fast as I could. I left the house and reported it to the police. Once they explored the house they found many kids there. Soon they destroyed the house and that was the last time I went into a stranger's house.


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