Posted On: 29-Sep-2023 06:00:46 Posted In: My Stories / ghosts
Posted By: bug-a-boo

The little dog part 1

Once upon a time a little girl named Monica and her older sister named Abby were going to go out for Halloween night and every year Monica would be really exited to go out but Abby was not. Ever sense Abby turned 15 she thought she was too old for Halloween. But Monica was never too old for Halloween. This year Monica was dressed up as a little dog while Abby just put on a T-shirt with shorts. " Mom im ready" yelled Monica. " Ok sweetie go get your sister" said mother, "ok mom" replied Monica. Monica ran upstairs to get her sister and told her "Abby I'm ready". Abby replied with a rude manner "ok". After 3 hours Abby wanted to go home but Monica refused. "There is one more house we missed" Monica said as she pointed to a creepy house that looked like it was 10 years old. Abby told her "its already been 3 hours, I'm tired lets just go home." But Monica refused, "Please big sister this is the last house please just this and we go home." said Monica. After a while Abby reluctantly agreed, "fine just this house". With excitement Monica ran to the creepy house and said "trick or treat". When the door opened she saw a lady. The lady looked scary with a long nose and sharp teeth. The lady gave Monica a cool looking piece of candy and Monica couldn't help but unwrap the candy and eat it. The candy tasted gross but Monica ate it any way. Once Monica ate it she felt sick, her stomach started to hurt badly and her head as well. She said to Abby "I should have never unwrapped the piece of candy". Abby replied "why, are you ok?" Monica said no my whole body hurts so bad. "Ok if your not feeling well we have to go home". Once Monica and Abby were heading home Monica felt even worse. Once they made it home and rushed to the bathroom to see if she needs to throw up but instead she grew fur every where then puppy ears grew out of her head then when she looked at her hands they became paws then when she looked at the mirror she was that she had a tail! Monica screamed so loud that she thought the whole neighborhood heard. As Monica conginued to scream, Abby heard and ran downstairs to the bathroom to see whats wrong. When she saw Monica she was scared out of her mind. Then Abby said " WHAT HAPPEN TO YOU!" Monica said " I don't know all I remember is eating the piece of candy and..." Monica froze for a minute then said "I ate a piece of candy that cursed me into a dog."

To be coninued...


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