Posted On: 29-Sep-2023 06:29:10 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: Angela Murcia

Dance moms

Dance moms is a really popular tv show that consist of a mean and strict dance teacher, Kids that compete in compitions, and the moms. The moms are the main stars of the show. They're the ones to start drama. How a usual episode goes on is first there is pyramid. Pyramid is a grading system for this dance show. Usually Maddie is on top and all the moms start saying their opinions and this is what causes Abby, Abby is the dance teacher and owner of the studio. Then after the pyramid Abby gives the Kids their solos and their group numbers. After they rehearse their group number and solos. Then at the end of week its the competitions. After, they are given their awards which usually always ends in arguments as well because of the moms jealousy. Then the episode ends.


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