Posted On: 04-Oct-2023 03:34:24 Posted In: Pets / Cats
Posted By: Anonymous

My cat binx

My cat binx

Ever since i was a little girl i had always wanted a cat, specifically black cat. I always wanted a black cat because i thought they were more prettier and i always wanted a cat that looked like the cat from Coraline and Hocus Pocus, when my mom had finally surprised me with my pet cat binx who's name comes from Hocus Pocus i was in tears. Binx had been my emotional support for as i can rememeber, every halloween we would take binx out on a leash and walk around the neighbor hood with him trick or treating. Binx always wore a black witches hat for halloween, the neighbors would give him treats instead of candy. Binx unfortunately passed away due to old age but im just happy that he lived a good life


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