Posted On: 12-Oct-2023 04:11:23 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: vivvilla8259

The Clown

once there was 10 grandchildren goin to visit their grandfather in Mexico. Once they got there they noticed there was a carnival right next to their house like right outside. So they were watching the clowns in the tiny truck. It then blew up and one of the clowns landed on the wall of their house and one of the youngest grandchild started laughing at the clown and the clown was looking at him like just wait. So when they were all asleep that same night the youngest needed to go to the restroom but it was dark and he was scared. So he asked the eldest granddaughter to go with him and she said ok. Once they got out of the door they look to just see that there was a clown in their kitchen and it was the same clown that was at the carnival. They were so scared because he was holding a knife and once he spotted them he looked and started going towards them and then he started running with the knife. They ran back and slammed the door shut. The grandpa woke up and started cursing in spanish “ You better get out of here“. he then got his gun and the dog went out of the door and the dog dragged the clown outside and everyone went outside and there was nothing outside of the yard. No one knows hat happened to the clown.


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