Posted On: 13-Oct-2023 05:38:30 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: valenciaas

Reasons why I want to visit San Diego Zoo Again

Reason number one, Its a pretty big zoo with 14,000 animals who call it home. I personally like going to the reptile section along with going to see the big cats, specifically the caracals. Last time i went i got on the tour bus, i got to see the entire zoo. Not only that but, they have merchandise in each part of zoo. They sell so many items that includes hats, bags, fans, toys, etc. I would also like to add that the food at San Diego Zoo is delicious. I really liked those burgers. Another thing that makes me want to go is because of the new capybara's they have now. Not too long ago they announced that new baby capybaras have joined the zoo. Thats about all the reasons i can think about. If you visit, you should see the capybaras. Theyre adorable. 


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