Posted On: 13-Oct-2023 05:49:59 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: Yeseniah Bolanos

Typing.comTyping one is of the only things that i like doing in this class. Its very easy and i just type random words that arent actual words and get credit for it. is the one thing i do first because its very easy and i could talk to my amigas as i do it and still get credit for it. One of thie thingsi dont understand is when you make us do coding. The website Orzaria is so confusing to me and i cant get the guy to the gem. It takes me very long to do coding. Then they have like a whole movie and things that they say that will explain but i feels so long and i cant bring myself to read it and actually listen to what they are saying. Moral of the story i love and you should assign that more because its easy points. 


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