Posted On: 19-Oct-2023 05:40:04 Posted In: Family / christmas
Posted By: nuggetlover09

Christmas time is a mess

Christmas time at my house is very very chaotic. I have six siblings, and two brother in laws and one sister in law. I also live in the same house as my grandma, so my aunt and uncle come to visit on Christmas. So in total, around 15 people are in the small living room of my grandmas home, with hundreds of presents piled up to my waist around our christmas tree decked out with ornaments and lights. We also always have a Christmas theme every year, and last year we did Nightmare before Christmas. We had the huge orange and black snake around the tree and Sally's head as the star. We wore Nightmare before Christmas pajamas and all the wrapping paper was themed too. And since theyre are a lot of presents, it also means lots of trash. An entire trash can of wrapping paper. But it is also very lively, with Christmas movies and music blasting out loud and the younger kids decorating cookies. So I very much like our chaotic Christmas time.


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