Posted On: 19-Oct-2023 08:01:44 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: jackie

Planning my 15

My Quinceañera

Ever since I was little I didn't want a 15 but, this last year I said that I want a quince. This whole year was about planning my 15. Everyday we were doing something that had to do with it. My grandma and mom were telling my whole family that I was having a 15. They were excited because for the longest time I said I didn't want one but, now I did. My family took me to go look at dresses. I saw the one I have always wanted and then seconds later I was getting it. I got my everything else that I needed and then we were looking at the dresses for my family. They got the one they wanted. I picked the people I wanted to be in my court. They all agreed and then august of this year, my quince practices started. Two months went by of practices, and now we are in October, my Quinceañera month. My court and I are very excited for the day to come. Last Sunday was our second to last practice, Friday is our final practice. We can't wait until Saturday, October, 21, 2023. We are all ready for it to come. 


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