Posted On: 24-Oct-2023 01:51:19 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: lovb.angie22

Martin Luther

Martin Luther was a man that had written 95 theses for the pope to read about his opinions on how they are running the Catholic Church and was ignored and his opinions had gained popularity over time and he had protection from people trying to arrest him. Martin Luther had sent a letter to a pope saying that he doesn’t think it’s right that people believe that they can pay for their own salvation and think that’s all they have to do. The holy Roman Emperor Charles V, declared Martin Luther as a criminal and attempted to arrest him for not taking back the theses. Martin Luther’s ideas had spread all over Europe and gained support and over 20 years an irreversible break occurred between the Catholic Church and protestant movement.

These examples show how Martin Luther was ignored and people of high power wanted him to receive punishment over his theses and when people heard of it more his ideas had gained more support. Martin Luther was being punished over opinions that he had and when people heard about it more throughout the years, the more support he gained.


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