Posted On: 24-Oct-2023 07:22:02 Posted In: Other / Other
Posted By: victoria



This weekend we had no school on Friday so my family and I went to universal studios just to has some fun. We came back home around 5:00 to get ready for the USC volleyball game that was at 7:00. They won and I had a great time with my family. later around 9:00 I was dropped off with my dad to spend the weekend with him. On Saturday I went walking and had a BBQ with my family and friends. On Sunday I went to the beach and played some volleyball. I relaxed in my house and slept. My cousin also came over and we had a sleep over. Since we also didn't have school on Monday I hung out with my tia watching movies and eating food. Then my dad picked me up and we went home. Again around 9:00 I was dropped off at my moms.


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