Posted On: 26-Oct-2023 03:09:23 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: Isabella Lopez

being a student athlete

In the mind of a student athlete there is a lot of pressure to do well and a lot of pressure to have good or passing grades. There are a lot of athletes that in result of this pressure have bad mental health and this leads to the cause that they feel forced to play at points. A person can feel like they are losing the love that they originally had for the sport. When they lose their love they typically feel like quitting but it all depends why they lost the spark they had and if it's because of a coach or their parents it feels worse then simply out growing it. The mental health of a lot of an athlete could be horrible so make sure to lighten up an athletes day and know that they spend late nights at school and then go home late and still have to get all of their work done. 


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