Posted On: 27-Oct-2023 07:20:00 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: gabbs.24


My parents put me in piano school when I was in second grade so I've been playing for eight years. I vividly remember the first times I would be "forced" to go to classes, I hated it so much. Even before my very first lesson, I was crying just thinking about it. Now, I'm not exactly sure why I was being so dramatic, I mean I still never really look forward to piano classes but it's definitely not something I would cry about. Right now, I can sight read music sheets but it takes a little while for me to be able to play straight, like two or three tries. Outside of what my teacher assigns me, I find it kind of fun learning other songs I've wanted to play on the piano for a long time. Since I can pretty much sight read, I'm also hoping to learn how to play the guitar, but who knows. 


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