Posted On: 02-Nov-2023 03:57:00 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: vivvilla8259

the dead body

There was once a group of teenagers. The group had lost a friend in the past and it was a mystery. They don't know where their friend was murdered or why. This murder was about 2 or 3 weeks ago. They would always go to this park and one day they decided to explore it. it was kind of like a park and then there was the woods around it so they went deep into the woods. They were talking until they all froze in shock. They found a body. It was just starting to rot and the flies were surrounding the body it was already starting to be eaten there was still skin on the body. The friends thought that it looked like their friend that recently passed. They called the cops, detectives came, they took DNA tests and they found out that it was their friend.


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