Posted On: 08-Nov-2023 03:47:19 Posted In: Life Experiences / BIG CRICKET
Posted By: Smedina2027


Yesterday was a pretty normal day for me, I was able to get my homework done, take a nap, and even get Starbucks. I had fun for the most part, BUT THE CRICKET IN SPANISH CLASS DEFINITELY STOOD OUT. Near the end of my 7th period, Spanish, we were told that we had to take our projects home. As one of the girls went to get her project, SHE SAW A CRICKET  INSIDE OF ONE. I was curious and went to go see te cricket like some more girls after hearing what happened. Upon taking a closer look on the area, THERE WAS TWO!! I got scared and we all left them alone for a bit. And as I mustered up the courage to try and get rid of them like some before me, as suddenly as they showed up, they disappeared. From today on I guess we will never know what happened to the crickets but I do know one thing. It was a funny experience even if it was pretty simple, and I actually liked the event of them being there.