Posted On: 09-Nov-2023 07:01:38 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: im_team10


Hi today i am going to be talking about how i really need some more jeans. Right now i actually have no jeans. i have one pair of jeans but they are starting not to fit me and i wear them to often. Then i also have these other jeans but for some reason my dad hates them and i don't know why. He said they make me look homeless but homeless people wear like super baggy jeans and mine aren't even baggy at all. I hate baggy jeans so i know they aren't baggy at all. But right now thats all the jeans i have. I have money though and i am going to get new jeans but i dont know why but when i am there and looking at jeans i don't want to get anything. Its honestly very weird. The type of jeans that i want are just ones that fit me well, i don't even know how to explain it. Then i also just want some hoodies which those i could get off Shein so its fine but i really need jeans. I think i am going to go to American Eagle because a girl i used to go to school with has very nice jeans and i asked her wear she got hers and she said American Eagle , then i also went online on American Eagle and i saw some that i could get and i need them because i am not going to have jeans for the winter time, and skinny jeans are bad so im not wearing those. 


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