Posted On: 09-Nov-2023 08:14:47 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: Allison F. Gonzalez

My Christmas Wishlist

this year I want an ipad and apple pencil for christmas , I know it might seem a little childish but like I want an ipad soooo bad I havent had my own for years since my little brother broke the one I used to have and I guess it would be really useful for school as well. Thats what i mainly want, if not then I would like clothes, makeup, or money. For clothes it would be nice if my shein cart was bought, like I have the money for it but I just don't really feel like spending it on that when I could just save it up for something else because in a way it is my parents responsibility to buy me clothes and essentials like that so I would want to save my money to buy something they aren't responsible for. (OMG my typing is improving so much I am typing this so quick like its so easy because I know exactly where every key is.)


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