Posted On: 09-Nov-2023 08:16:25 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: gabbs.24

I'm allergic to fish

When I was like 4 or 5 years old, probably 4, I went to a party of one of my parents' friends' kid along with my brother and aunt. I don't remember much about the party but I do remember very vividly that they served fish for lunch and my dad had just ate some. A little later he picked me up and kissed me on the cheek. I was fine for a few moments until my face started to turn red and became veeerrryy itchy. My eyelids started to swell and the rest of my face wouldn't stop itching. The five of us left the party early and went to the nearest hospital. There, they gave me a princess Ariel doll and some kind of coloring book. My face was red and my eyelids were so thick to the point that I almost couldn't see when the doctor came back after talking to my parents. Then he or she confirmed that I am allergic to fish. I can eat like any other seafood like shrimp or calamari, but fish makes my throat disgustingly itchy.

Then like a year ago, my family and I went to this restaurant that we always go to every time we go to las vegas. We ordered calamari and I ate one. Then my throat and lips and mouth got that itchy feeling that I really hate. Turns out the waiter served us another table's order and I just ate like 3 pieces of fish. My throat felt horribly itchy and thick and soon enough I couldn't feel my lips. Something I've never experienced before is my tongue swelling and just getting thicker in general, until it did. The waiter started freaking out and brought me I don't know what kind of allergy medicine. A while after I swallowed that, I felt better and me and my aunt when next door to eat yogurtland.


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