Posted On: 13-Nov-2023 10:17:49 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: im_team10


Hi today i will be talking about how Starbucks is the best things to be invented on this earth. Starbucks has many drinks, but my personal favorite and the drink i get every single time i go to Starbucks, it is a Strawberry ACAi with NO lemonade, with lemonade is so bad, it taste way to sour and i hate it. Then i also get a sandwich, to be more specific a tomato mozzarella sandwich. This combination is literally like no other. If i am starving this will fill me up, even if im not hungry i will still crave this combination and eat the whole thing. All of my amigas know my order because i haven't changed my order in a very long time and i will never change my order. No one can tell me any different than this is the best combination in the world. 


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