Posted On: 14-Nov-2023 07:50:01 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: SSavvvvvannah

My Faith

I like to say I am very close to my faith and close to God. I grew up knowing God. I was introduced to God at a very young age. I been faithful to God my whole life, but I didn't start getting deep into my faith until I was probably in the 5th grade. I was struggling with something terrible. When I was struggling, I felt very guilty and turned to God. It wasn't until then when I decided to really give my life to Christ. I started praying more, paying attention in church, taking confession and Holy Communion seriously. God turned my life around and I became so much happier. I felt at peace and free. I learned to be pure, loving, forgiving, patient, silent, etc. Ever since I gave my life to Christ, I became a new person, a Holy person.  


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