Posted On: 17-Nov-2023 06:40:41 Posted In: My Stories / weird
Posted By: nuggetlover09

Astronaut dream?

When I was the ripe age of eight or so, I had a dream that all the astronauts on the world went crazy and started world wide genocide, or basically killing everyone on earth. I remember running to my grandmas house despite it being an hour away from where I lived back then and hiding in the walls, which opened up a secret door. But the door kept glitching and shaking which is weird that they didnt find us and kill us off. I remember being able to see the lady next door and she though they were the oldies radio station K-Earth 101, and started doing the challenge where you say their name as fast as you can in 20 seconds. They obviously shot her head off, and for some reason, in the end we all became fairies and flew away after using magic to become bugs. It was the weirdest dream Ive ever had and I always tell it to people when Im bored.


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