Posted On: 21-Nov-2019 10:31:34 Posted In: Hobby / Anime
Posted By: Unicornrules

Why my friend loves anime. Live Intervew

 Why my friend LOVES anime

Alright guys, just first off, good morning? maybe. Ok, I am here with Emmanuel, well in viavox, hello. Follow or I will send a killer spider to go in your mouth!!!!....Just kidding!!! HA, got `em! Oh right the interview. So first question. " Why do you love anime?" He says" It is better than real life. Has better features." I say" He`s correct!!" Next question" Which is your favorite anime and why?" He says " Sword Art Online, why is because there is a lot of action and the features are better than real life. Next question " Why do you think anime is fun to watch? He says " He likes watching people fight with swords and because of the extraordinary moves they do.

THAT IS IT. GO OUTSIDE AND PLAY. YOU NEED FRESH AIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




I am the one you are interviewing

Nov 21, 2019


I do like this blog

Nov 21, 2019

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