Posted On: 07-Dec-2023 05:41:39 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: HunnyBunch

I luv chips

I really love chips lowks. Just like most normal female girls, I literally live off of chips. My favorites are obviously the spicy ones like Takis, Cheetos, Puffs, Funnions, and others. I really really love them but also don’t. I only don’t like them because they make my stomach burn and hurt like an actual fire pit. At the moment I feel like I’m in heaven while eating them, but the consequences after in the toilet are awful. There is A Whole routine. Basically I eat chips and I love it, then my stomach starts to hurt, then I literally take hours in the restroom, and them promise and pray that I won’t eat chips again, then finally, eat them again and repeat. 


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