Posted On: 09-Jan-2024 07:49:34 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: vivvilla8259

A dream i had one time when i was little

One time when I was a kid I had a dream that my mom was gonna marry Bruno Mars. It was weird. So in the dream i was walking down the aisle throwing flowers and I dont know where my dad was but i looked at the groom and i saw bruno mars. but when i was little my mom was obsessing over him but not a lot. and the most craziest thing was that i couldnt speak at all. like the only person who could hear me was my nino. and i was trying to talk to my mom but she couldnt hear me and i was crying and crying and it was horrible. And so when my mom woke me up to go to school i looked at her with disgust and anger. and i started yelling at her and crying. but i feel like thats what she gets.


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