Posted On: 09-Jan-2024 07:52:00 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: SSavvvvvannah

Winter Break

My winter break just ended and it is the first day back at school while i'm writing this. My winter break was busy but also I didn't really do anything. I don't really know how to explain it. Some days I help out my family with chores, going to the market, fixing the house, etc. Other days, or on free time I was just in my room watching tv or on my phone. I will say though, a lot of my family and family friends came over and we bonded. I enjoyed our time together. I didn't go out with any friends during break. I'm not mad because I got to spend time with my family. The only fun place I went was six flags, thats really it. To be honest, it was still a break from school and I enjoyed it. For that I rate is a 10/10. 


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