Posted On: 10-Jan-2024 04:40:33 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: Staceyy._.12

My Winter Break

My winter break was okay, not bad at all. I enjoyed sleeping in everyday I would say that was my favorite part of winter break. Christmas was fun my tia came over to celebrate we had so much fun, we made tamales and did a gift exchange, I got clothes and a bag. I went to universal studios with my boyfriend, that day was amazing we were celebrating our one year together, we went on a lot of rides like the tour, Transformers, Mario, The Symsoms and we went on Harry potter two times. for new years me and my family went to Bear bear we rented a cabin and stayed there for a few days. For Dia de los Reyes my family cut a rosca with my cousin.