Posted On: 10-Jan-2024 09:36:01 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: lovb.angie22

Winter Break

Over winter break I did quite a few of things. For one I went to the Santa Monica Pier for the first time. It was pretty boring to be completely honest. There were different types of people performing and lowkey seemed on crack. It was smelly and pretty overpriced. the beach isnt even all that either. Then after my boyfriend met my mom which was a little awkward at first but we all got along so it was fun. Then I went to golf n stuff with my mom, brother, and my boyfriend. Then he came to my house which was fun. I played alot of fortnite. I'm very good at fortnite. I also facetimed my friends alot which was fun. But my favorite thing of all was sleeping. I love sleeping and i did a lot of it durning break. Overall my break was fun. 


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