Posted On: 10-Jan-2024 09:39:25 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: genesis.s

my break

I really enjoy Christmas break because to me the time around the holidays is for people and their families to get together, spend time with each other/give each other company, and to disconnect from school for a bit which is good. my break was good and relaxed. during break i had times where i got to do some fun stuff and i also had times where i stood at home and did nothing. i went to Knotts and Disney multiple times with my mom and my friends which was fun, i also spent a lot of time with my family, we had game nights and nights where we all went out to eat together. during break i also stood home and did nothing but watch tv and lay in bed, even though i got bored at times it was really nice to have nothing to do and get to enjoy my time. overall i had a good Christmas and new years break and now that i'm back in school i'm ready to have a better academically and non-academically year.


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