Posted On: 16-Jan-2024 08:04:04 Posted In: Education / College
Posted By: SSavvvvvannah


College is a very controversial topic. A lot of people have their opinions on college. Today, I want to talk about my opinions on college and whether I will go or not. College is an optional schooling that you can go after high school. I think, if you want to get a good job, then you should go to college. A lot of good jobs require an education. I will say though, you should go to college knowing what job you want. That way you know what major to take so you don't keep jumping around, if that's what you want. Even though college is a good way to get a good job, their are other jobs you can get without a college degree. For me, I want to go to college because I want to be a doctor. I've been really interested the human body and STEM ever since I could remember. That requires a college degree, so I am going to college for that. But, let's say I wanted to become a police officer, I don't need to go to college to become one. They take me through their own school. Overall, if you want to go to college, you can, if you don't then don't. I know people who said they wasted their time when they were at college and I also know people who did great in life after college. It's really up to you. Your life, your path. Wherever God takes you. 


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