Posted On: 17-Jan-2024 12:15:17 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: vivvilla8259

Bobs Burgers

Bobs Burgers is the best T.V. Show ever made. I know this because it is such a hilarious show. I think this is more for teenagers like at least 13-year-olds can watch this. Louise and Linda are both my favorite characters. They I feel out of all of the characters are the funniest on the show. My favorite episode is when they are forced to go on a cruise ship to Puerto Rico. And Louise, Gene, Tina, and Linda are trying to find something to do. Gene goes to a show, Linda and tina go to the spa, and Louise goes to get her nails done. And the funniest part about this whole episode is when we see Louise's nails and they are the longest claws ever and it's just really funny.


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