Posted On: 17-Jan-2024 09:52:26 Posted In: Movies / Disney
Posted By: mruiz16

My Favorite Disney Movie

My favorite Disney movie has to be the Princess and the Frog because I love the journey that it takes us and I also love the music that it has. In addition, every time I see this movie it always brings out my inner child and just always makes me remember the days when I was little and always happy. This movie is also my favorite because it always brings me and my brothers together and always has us laughing which is one of the moments I cherish the most. Furthermore, one of my favorite songs by Princess and the Frog is "My Evangline" because I just love how soft and romantic the song is. Fun fact I was going to use this song for my quinceneara but I ended up not using it. Overall, this is one of my favorite Disney movies because it always makes me so happy and just always makes me remember the good days. 


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