Posted On: 17-Jan-2024 09:59:53 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: im_team10

My Mom

Today i am going to be writing about my mom. My mom is my best friend ever. She is always there for me all the time whenever i need her. She always comes to be about makeup advice or clothes advice. She says things like "Do i look to full glam?" or "The shirt does not match huh." She even acts like a teenage girl, she says things like "Why cant i just have money for Starbucks a trip." or other things like "Oh my gosh look what he said Yeseniah, what should i say?" Then me being her best friend i always say the truth and sometimes i need to give her advice that she dose not want to hear but it just needs to happen. Then i literally ask her these same questions and she always gives me the best advice to. Moral of the story we cant live without each other and we are each others best friends. Also lots of people say we look a lot like. 


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