Posted On: 18-Jan-2024 06:28:48 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: im_team10

I want to have better grades this semester

This semester I want to have very good grades. Last semester my grades were okay, they weren’t so good but I was passing all my classes. Then last semester I wouldn’t really do my homework and I wouldn’t really pay attention. This semester I’m doing all my homework, not procrastinating as much, and paying way more attention in class so my grades are way better then they were last semester. As of right now I’m doing very good and I have been doing ALL of my work and paying attention way more in my classes. My grades are very good right now besides this class because I haven’t done this articles and I need to finish my typing club and when I finish it I will have straight As and that has been a goal for me for a long time in high school. I really want to become a better person in academics so I could be very successful when I’m older. 


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