Posted On: 23-Jan-2024 11:41:09 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: vivvilla8259


i love bunnies. i want a bunny. I need a bunny. I would want either a white one or a dark brown one. i love the way bunnies snuffle their little noses and i love their little nub tails. the only thing i don’t like bunnies is their poop. their poop is like a little brown ball. if i ever get one it will be very hard to clean up their poop if they poop on the floor. but i do not care i love bunnies with a passion. i don’t really like how they need appropriate housing. exercise, socialization, and a very specific diet. and they are very high maintenance. but idk i think i would need to wait till i’m older we cause they need a lot of attention.


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